Book Review: Black Fire — African American Quakers on Spirituality and Human Rights

Book-Black FireReviewed by Sam Mugambe, Johannesburg Monthly Meeting — 18 May 2015

When I started reading this book “Black Fire: African American Quakers on Spirituality and Human Rights”, I expected to read about Quakers in America. But most of this book is about Human Rights, and this is what Quakers are advocating for.

So you cannot separate Quakers from Human Rights. This book explain how many learned Quakers are teaching us that oppressing one another is the mindset of both the oppressor and the oppressed. This needs to be corrected by educating one another, so that we can be liberated both physically and mentally.

In Chapter V, when I was reading about Barrington Dunbar on page 131, I was impressed by what Malcom X said about Christians, “ You cannot call yourself a Christian when you are you are practicing segregation; you are a devil.”

This book “Black Fire” is a good source of information for every one young and old, white and black who desire to educate a new generation how to live as brothers and sisters, with no color prejudice.

— Sam Mugambe

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