Dear Friends,
Last weekend at Woodbrooke, Friends from across Europe and the Middle East came together for the Annual Meeting of Friends World Committee for Consultation, Europe and Middle East Section (FWCC-EMES). The gathering was enriched by Friends from further afield too, as the Central Executive Committee of FWCC joined us, including Quakers from South America, Kenya, Australia and New Zealand.
Our gathering reflected on the Kabarak call to eco-justice and peace from 2012, and the call for a pilgrimage of peace and justice from the World Council of Churches in Busan, 2013. It also looked forward to the World Plenary Meeting of FWCC in Pisac, Peru in January 2016. The gathering was thus rich with the sense of being on a journey, of trying to take steps towards those lofty goals, and of trying to shape where our journeys might take us.
I wonder whether there are other Friends on the network who might want to share any thoughts or experiences from the gathering – please feel free
For more details, you can find the epistle here:
In Friendship,
George Thurley