Information from Nancy Fee:
Here is a new Quaker podcast, which people might be interested in. It is from the American Programmed tradition, and broadcasts about twice a month, for about 30 minutes.
For those not into podcasts, these are like internet radio shows. You can subscribe to these (for free), and they can be downloaded to your phone or Ipad, or listened to from a website. There are a number of apps that collect and organize these for you on your phone, laptop or Ipad. For example, I use icatcher, which collects up all the new broadcasts for the podcasts I am subscribed to. These are great to listen to when you are driving, working around the house, etc. I often listen to BBC news, etc this way. Polity is a good podcast on South African news.
Some other Quaker podcasts are:
Clearly Quaker, from the American programmed tradition. About every 2 weeks, for 30 minutes
Q: Witness, from BYM, generally weekly, about 30 minutes
Holy Ordinary: the Sacraments of Everyday Life; Brent Bill from the American programmed tradition. provides a link to articles on his website.
I haven’t seen Quaker podcasts emerging from other parts of the world, but this will probably happen with time.
Of course, there are many other religious podcasts. Plus many on news, human rights, justice, etc.
Click the link below to access these items.