Quaker Week 2015

One of the Quaker Week 2015 posters

One of the Quaker Week 2015 posters

3-11 October 2015
Live Adventurously

Every autumn, the British Friends hold Quaker Week, a national event in which they particularly encourage meetings to think about outreach and perhaps to organise an outreach event. Whilst many meetings do outreach all year round, Quaker Week offers a time to focus on all the things we do that enable people to discover more about Quakers and the Quaker way.

This year’s theme is Live Adventurously — When choices arise, do you take the way that offers the fullest opportunity for the use of your gifts in the service of God and the community? Advices & Queries 27

To help with planning for Quaker Week events you can visit the Quakers in Britain website, and you might like to download one of the following documents (we provide direct links below for your convenience):


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