Tell me about the Quakers …

We are a group of people who have come together to help and encourage each other in our spiritual life, following Quaker Process.  Quakers use a particular Way to become conscious of “God” and to get help.

We find this contributes to individual growth, happiness and a healthy society.  The Quaker way is a way of life.

The Way is based on

This is because of our Experience of the Inner Light in every one – that God Lights up a place Within us, and is also Out There

The Structures, which we have chosen, are to support the Quaker Way and develop our Spiritual Awareness.   Our meetings provide an effective and safe place where each person may share experiences and discoveries in the Spiritual and the Physical World.

*Silent communion has elements of “Centering Prayer, Meditation and Contemplation.


Many people’s experience is that the words they use to describe their belief changes creatively as they grow.  Often, if they are truthful, they cannot repeat a creed.

Meeting for Worship

We meet in silence to share our experience of the Inner Light. We can each meet with God in the stillness and through the words of those who feel moved to speak. More …

Peace making

The Peace Testimony is not just opposition to war and violence but a call to handle conflict creatively, and to seek reconciliation and justice. The Society has encouraged and supported its young men who have felt compelled by conscience or divine leading to resist conscription. More …


Simplicity means concentrating only on those things which we really need to promote spiritual growth. A simple, uncluttered life can be a source of great strength. More …


We are called to be truthful in all our dealings.


From the time of George Fox (1624-1691) the Society freed men and women from traditional roles. Quaker men have been encouraged to be sensitive, tender and peaceful, and Quaker women to be strong and assertive. Members come from all social and cultural backgrounds and some Quaker Meetings have been in the forefront of welcoming gays and lesbians into positions of leadership and responsibility. More …


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Our Process

We provide the circumstances that help people to discover their own spiritual life for themselves and we hope they will share their discoveries and journey with each other. More …

Our Structures

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Our Business Meetings

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Alternatives to Violence Project

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Serving the community

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Questions and Counsel

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